42 responses

  1. Jojoy Team
    May 12, 2019

    hi Liam, you have to try these other alternatives listed above. There are currently some issues on Jojoy app causing such problems.


  2. Richard
    May 15, 2019

    All my apps work great, tweakbox is the one i have issues with, much love Jojoy


  3. Adam
    May 26, 2019

    Well it keeps on saying poor connection or something like that then it says retry or done. Please help D:


  4. Armando Ramirez
    June 6, 2019

    Great app


  5. Sa3d
    June 24, 2019

    App link arent working


    • Jojoy Team
      June 24, 2019

      hi, which app link is not working for you please?


  6. Sa3d
    June 25, 2019

    Tweakbox,emus4u and pandahelper


  7. Kari
    July 3, 2019

    Panda description says it has Pokemon Go, but when I search for it, it is not there.


  8. Sean
    July 16, 2019

    I downloaded Jojoy and it worked for about a week, but now every app says unavailable?


    • Jojoy Team
      July 16, 2019

      it was revoked. please download Jojoy after few hours.


  9. Destiny
    July 18, 2019

    Every time I try to download Pokémon go ++ Pro it says unavailable please help fix


    • Jojoy Team
      July 19, 2019

      hi, please try downloading pokemon go hack after some time. As there is a downtime with Jojoy at the moment.


  10. Melvyn
    July 22, 2019

    Bonjour TweakBox ainsi que Jojoy les lien marche mes sa donne pas les vrai appli donc je n’y est pas accès et les autres appli ne contienne pas pokemon go++ PRO pls aidez moi


    • Jojoy Team
      July 22, 2019

      À l’heure actuelle, le téléchargement d’Jojoy et de TweakBox ne fonctionne pas en raison de certificats expirés par Apple. S’il vous plaît essayer après un certain temps


  11. Naser
    July 24, 2019

    When I install the app it was blank and stuck on white screen only IPad 2 iOS 9.3.5, kindly assist


  12. Joshua
    August 23, 2019

    App was working for a week now it stopped and won’t let me download


    • Jojoy Team
      August 24, 2019

      apps got revoked. the team is working to get it back ASAP.


  13. Jojoy Team
    August 24, 2019

    All apps were revoked. Please download alternative apps.


  14. Ethan
    September 2, 2019

    Any alternatives to use when app valley is down?


    • Jojoy Team
      September 3, 2019

      try the EMus4U app.


  15. dominik
    October 17, 2019

    but are this all alternativs?


    • Jojoy Team
      October 18, 2019

      yes that’s is right, all of these are very good alternatives to Jojoy App.


  16. CappToo
    October 24, 2019

    Jojoy blank screen tried tweeting no reply. ios 12.4 iphone 6s


  17. Apple
    October 27, 2019

    When I open the Jojoy app the only thing that pops up is a blank screen. HELP!!


  18. Preedish
    October 27, 2019

    I’m loading into minecraft and get the mojang screen then it just kicks me out to my home page so plz help


  19. Jojoy Team
    November 12, 2019

    there was a revoke, please re-download Appvaley again.


  20. Ryan
    November 13, 2019

    I’m on the IPhone 11 and I just downloaded Jojoy, but whenever I click on an app to the download or press get, it won’t react and I cant download it.


    • Jojoy Team
      November 15, 2019

      Sorry about the issue. there has been a revoke and the certificates are being signed and restored.


  21. Ryan
    November 15, 2019

    Hi, I am on samsung s8 and I was just wondering if getting a pokemon go spoofer works on any of these apps, I can not get Jojoy


  22. Niza
    November 17, 2019

    Jojoy only works for a couple days and then it stops and when you go back on the app it says unavailable. Can you please fix this issue people are depending on this app.


  23. Atmaca
    November 20, 2019

    İndirilmiyo andro mobil gibi APK olarak iniliyor daha eskiden yükleniyordu hiç bisi anlamadım


  24. Mike
    November 26, 2019

    Hey so this is a tricky one… I can no longer access Safari on my iPhone 8 as I don’t have the restrictions password. Is there any way I can still download Jojoy or its alternatives? I should also mention I’m on IOS 13, so there might not be an updated version I can get ahold of at the moment


    • Jojoy Team
      November 26, 2019

      hi, you need to figure out a way to install the configuration profile of the Jojoy app. It will then install on the home screen. Alternatively, use Cydia impactor to directly install IPA files of apps without Jojoy.


  25. Abigail Lemley
    November 26, 2019

    Hey! My Iphone 8 wont let me verify my apps. It says verifying than doesn’t work. can you help me please?


    • Jojoy Team
      November 26, 2019

      Please check the errors page for a resolution.


  26. veronica
    November 30, 2019

    how i use Emus4U in my ios?


    • Jojoy Team
      December 5, 2019

      just like you use Jojoy, install it using the profile download button.


  27. Ethan
    December 21, 2019

    Is there a reason all the apps say Unavailable?


    • Jojoy Team
      December 22, 2019

      yes, it was revoked by Apple. It will be restored soon.


  28. Angiieee
    September 22, 2020

    Hey there! Why can’t I download apps from Jojoy now? Are appcalley still revoked by apple?


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